Much like CD drives, many think that ‘For Sale’ signboards have outlived their usefulness. The internet has become one of the main marketing tools used by real estate professionals to effectively reach large masses of people in a short timeframe. Why then, despite this new technology, are sellers still choosing to decorate their lawn by pegging a board into their front garden?
The old compliments the new
Rather than spending time and fuel on driving around looking for properties, most buyers use online search portals to browse for property. Sellers also prefer that buyers first see the home online and then make an appointment to view it in person if there is further interest. While the effectiveness of online marketing is not being disputed, a signboard outside a home is still an excellent lead-generating tool to attract even more buyers. Research reveals that even in today’s internet age, a signboard outside a home is so effective that it can generate as many as ten buyer leads during the length of the listing agreement, provided, of course, it can be used in the area where the home is located.
Note: In certain areas, municipal bylaws, body corporates and homeowner associations restrict the use of signboards and show day pointer boards.
Is it safe to have a signboard outside your home?
Homeowners should never accept walk-ins from buyers who claim to have seen the board while they were driving by. These buyers might not be able to qualify to purchase the home. Beyond this, criminals often pretend to be buyers to gain access to your home. To ensure that the generated leads are properly vetted and verified, it is imperative that an experienced, knowledgeable agent is on hand to screen potential buyers. If a buyer knocks on your door, simply give them your agent’s card. If they’re serious about buying your home, they’ll be back soon.
Some signboards are better than others
South African consumers have learnt to be on the lookout for potential scams. Most will choose to ignore a ‘For Sale’ sign if they do not recognise the real estate brand pictured on the board. Having a signboard backed by a reputable agent and brand will greatly improve your chance of selling your home.
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